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Is your icon WordPress strategy improving your websites navigation?

Best Icon WordPress plugins
Best Icon WordPress plugins

Updated 15 July 2024

Icons simplify navigation on your WordPress site, improving the user experience and improving search engine rankings.

Key takeaways

  1. Icons make website navigation more intuitive and visually appealing.
  2. Consistent, brand-aligned icons improve user experience and site aesthetics.
  3. Free and premium icons offer varied options for different needs and budgets
  4. Use plugins to easily integrate icons into WordPress menus.
  5. Make sure icons are accessible and mobile-friendly for all users.

Using icons to improve WordPress navigation

Case studies: Examples of WordPress websites that successfully use icons in the navigation

These examples show just how useful icons can be for making website navigation and the overall experience better. WordPress site owners can learn a lot from these cases on how to smartly add icons to their menus, making their websites not only look good but also super user-friendly.

Free Icon WordPress packs
Free Icon WordPress packs

Choosing the right icons for your WordPress site

The importance of choosing icons that are consistent with your brand and website design

How to make sure your icons are understandable and accessible for all users

Your website should be a welcoming place for everyone, including users with disabilities. Icons play an important role in this. Always combine icons with text labels. This simple step can greatly improve comprehension for users who rely on screen readers or for users who are unfamiliar with more abstract representations.

Consider the size and colour contrast of your icons. They should be large enough to be easily clickable on all devices and have sufficient contrast against their background to be visible to users with visual impairments.

How to add Icon WordPress
How to add Icon WordPress

Free vs. premium icons: where to find high-quality icons and when to invest in premium options

The Internet offers a variety of resources for free and high-quality icons. Free icons can be a good starting point for new websites or those on a budget. Websites such as FontAwesome, Flaticon and Icons8 offer extensive libraries of icons suitable for various design needs.

Premium icons, on the other hand, offer exclusivity and often have a higher level of design sophistication. Investing in premium icons can be worthwhile for established brands or websites looking to stand out in a crowded market. Websites such as Adobe Stock and Shutterstock offer premium icons that can be purchased individually or on a subscription basis.

Choosing the right icons for your WordPress site involves balancing form and function. Focus on consistency, accessibility, and quality. Whether you use free or premium icons, make sure they align with your brand.

Incorporating icons into your WordPress navigation

A list of recommended tools and plugins for adding icons to your WordPress site
  • Menu Icons by ThemeIsle: This plugin provides an easy way to add icons to your menu items directly from the WordPress dashboard. It supports a variety of icon types, including Dashicons, FontAwesome and custom images.
  • WP Menu Icons: This is another plugin that allows you to add icons to WordPress menus and supports a range of icon libraries as well as customization options for size and alignment.
Custom Icon WordPress options
Custom Icon WordPress options

Step-by-step guide: detailed instructions on how to add icons to your WordPress menu

Step 1: select your icons

Step 2: Installing the necessary plugin (if required)

Once you’ve chosen a plugin like Menu Icons by ThemeIsle, install it by going to your WordPress dashboard, navigating to “Plugins” > “Add New”, searching for the plugin by name, and clicking “Install Now”. After installation, activate the plugin.

Step 3: adding icons to your menu items through the WordPress dashboard

  • Go to “Appearance” > “Menus” in your WordPress dashboard.
  • Select the menu you want to edit or create a new one.
  • For each menu item, you’ll see an option to add an icon (this option is plugin-dependent). Click on the icon you wish to add or upload a custom icon if the plugin supports it.
  • Save your menu.

Step 4: customizing the size and alignment of your icons for optimal display

After you put icons next to your menu options, you might need to tweak how big they are and where they sit to make sure they fit well with your site’s look and look good. Luckily, most icon tools let you change the size and where they line up right in the menu settings, so you don’t have to mess with any extra coding.

Tips for mobile responsiveness: ensuring your icons look great on all devices

  • Test on various devices: Use tools like Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test to see how your icons look on different screen sizes.
  • Use SVG icons: SVG format is responsive by nature, ensuring your icons scale correctly on any device.
  • Adjust icon sizes for mobile: Some plugins let you set different icon sizes for desktop and mobile views. Use these settings to make sure icons are appropriately sized for mobile devices, so they aren’t too large or too small.
  • Consider touch targets: Make sure icons are spaced well enough apart to be easily tapped on a touchscreen.
Using Icon WordPress in menus
Using Icon WordPress in menus

List of online resources for searching for icons

Further reading on the impact of visual elements on user experience

Top Icon WordPress sets
Top Icon WordPress sets

FAQs on adding and managing an icon WordPress

How can adding icons improve my WordPress site’s navigation?

How can I add social media icons to my WordPress site?

Are there plugins for integrating social media icons specifically?

Yes, several plugins are designed for this purpose, such as Social Icons Widget by WPZOOM, which allows you to add icons using widgets, and Social Media Share Buttons & Social Sharing Icons, which provides both icons and sharing functionality.

What are WordPress services icons?

How can I find hospitality icons for WordPress?

What is a WordPress site icon?

How do I add a favicon to my WordPress site?

What size should a icon WordPress favicon be?

What are common shapes used for icon WordPress?

Can I customize the shape of my WordPress icons?

Yes, icon shapes can be customized using CSS if you are manually coding your icons. If you are using an icon library or plugin, customization options might be limited unless the plugin provides specific features for shape adjustments.

What is Dashicons in WordPress icons?

What is the best source for free WordPress icons?

How do I insert an icon WordPress style?

To insert an icon WordPress style, use the Dashicons library included with WordPress. You can add Dashicons to your menus or posts by using the appropriate HTML classes or by installing a plugin that supports Dashicons.

Can I find free icon WordPress plugins?

Yes, there are several free icon WordPress plugins available, such as FontAwesome, Menu Icons by ThemeIsle, and WP Menu Icons. These plugins offer a variety of icons and are easy to use.

How do I customize icon WordPress settings?

To customize icon WordPress settings, use a plugin like WP Menu Icons or FontAwesome. These plugins provide customization options within the icon WordPress dashboard, allowing you to adjust icon size, colour, and alignment.

What is the best icon WordPress plugin?

The best icon WordPress plugin depends on your needs. Popular options include FontAwesome for extensive icon libraries, Menu Icons by ThemeIsle for easy menu integration, and WP Menu Icons for a variety of customization options.

How do I insert an icon in WordPress?

To insert an icon WordPress, you can use a plugin like Menu Icons by ThemeIsle or WP Menu Icons. Install the plugin, go to the WordPress dashboard, navigate to “Appearance” > “Menus,” and select an icon for your menu items.

Does WordPress have free icons?

Yes, WordPress offers free icons through libraries like Dashicons, which are integrated into the WordPress dashboard, and third-party plugins like FontAwesome and Flaticon.

How do I add an external icon to WordPress?

To add an external icon to WordPress, you can use plugins like FontAwesome or upload custom icon images. After installing the plugin, use the provided shortcodes or classes to insert icons into your posts, pages, or menus.

How do I add symbols in WordPress?

You can add symbols in WordPress using HTML entities or by installing a plugin like FontAwesome. For HTML entities, simply insert the appropriate code (e.g., ♥ for a heart) into the text editor.

How do I add an icon to my WordPress menu?

To add an icon to your WordPress menu, use a plugin like Menu Icons by ThemeIsle. After installing and activating the plugin, go to “Appearance” > “Menus,” select a menu item, and choose an icon from the plugin’s options.

How do I add icons to my WordPress block?

You can add icons to a WordPress block by using a plugin like Atomic Blocks or Ultimate Addons for Gutenberg. These plugins provide icon blocks or options to insert icons directly within the Gutenberg editor.

How to use icon list in WordPress?

To use an icon list in WordPress, install a plugin like Ultimate Addons for Gutenberg or Elementor. These plugins offer icon list widgets or blocks, allowing you to create lists with icons easily. Simply add the widget or block to your page and customize the icons and text.

How do I add social icons to my WordPress menu?

Add social icons to your WordPress menu using a plugin like Social Icons Widget by WPZOOM. Install the plugin, go to “Appearance” > “Menus,” and add social media icons to your menu items from the widget settings.