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What are icons for WordPress?

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Key takeaways

  • Icons in WordPress: Enhance site navigation and user experience.
  • Consistency: Keep style and placement uniform.
  • Clarity: Use simple, recognisable icons.
  • Accessibility: Ensure icons are screen reader friendly.
  • Customisation: Use plugins or custom code to add icons.

Icons for WordPress: What are they and why are they important?

Icons for WordPress are small graphical symbols used to represent various elements or actions on a website. They improve navigation and user experience by acting as visual shortcuts, guiding users without relying heavily on text.

Icons for WordPress: Visual anchors to guide users through your site

Websites thrive on smooth navigation. Visual anchors, such as clear icons, contribute to a positive user experience (UX). These icons for WordPress act as vibrant signposts that guide users through the website without relying heavily on text. This allows for clear and intuitive navigation, especially on modern WordPress websites.

Understanding visual anchors

Examples of visual anchors in everyday environments

Icons rule! Our brains love pictures, so designers use visual anchors like icons to guide us in apps, websites, and even manuals. This makes everything easier to navigate and remember, especially on WordPress sites where user-friendliness is key.

Case studies or examples of websites that use icons effectively

  • Dropbox: Simple icons guide users through files and folders (share, download).
  • Airbnb: Amenity icons (WiFi, parking) speed up searches.
  • Trello: Task management gets easier with action icons (add card, attach file).

These examples show how icons, when used thoughtfully, can significantly improve the usability and aesthetics of a website, making them indispensable tools in web design. As visual anchors, icons guide users through a website, improving navigation and engagement and contributing to a positive, memorable experience.

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Best practices for using icons as visual anchors

Master the Mini! Clear icons for WordPress strengthen usability and aesthetics. Here’s your guide to using them effectively:

Consistency in design and placement

Clarity and simplicity of icons
Selection of universally recognized symbols versus the creation of user-defined symbols
Colour, size and placement considerations

Contrast and colour
Use colours that contrast well with the background to increase visibility and consider the colour symbolism in your target audience’s culture. However, don’t rely solely on colour to convey meaning, as this can be problematic for colour-blind users.

Appropriate size
Icons should be large enough to be easily tapped on touchscreens without being so large that they overlap other content. Consider the context in which they’ll be used to find the right size.

Strategic placement
Place icons where users expect them or where they can best guide user actions. For example, a shopping cart icon is usually located at the top right of e-commerce pages.

Accessibility considerations for visually impaired users
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Implementing icons in WordPress

Themes and plugins that support the extended use of icons

WordPress provides a variety of themes and plugins that make it easy to use advanced icon features, letting users add icons to their websites.

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Step-by-step guide on adding icons to menus, posts, and pages

Add icons to menus

Add icons to posts and pages

Tips for optimizing icons for performance and SEO

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Choosing the right icons for your site

Choosing the right icons for your website is all about consistency to strengthening your brand identity. To navigate the variety of options and ensure your icons match your website’s design theme, it’s helpful to know where to find quality icons and how to create your own if needed. Here’s a guide to help you choose and create the perfect icons for your WordPress website.

Sources for high-quality icons (free and paid)

Tools for creating custom symbols
Adapting the icon style to the design theme of your website

Make sure your icons match the overall style and tone of your website. For example, if your website has a minimalist design, you should opt for simple, clean icons. 

Consider your brand
Icons should also reflect the personality of your brand. Playful brands can use colourful and whimsical icons, while a corporate website should use more straightforward and professional icons. 

Match the size and colour of the icons
Icons should stand out well against the background of your website and complement your colour scheme. Adjust the size according to importance and clarity and make sure they’re neither too dominant nor too inconspicuous. 

Test on different devices
Check how your icons look on different devices and screen sizes to make sure they are clear and effective on all devices. 

By carefully selecting and customizing your icons. Whether you choose ready-made icons from reputable sources or create custom icons that fit your brand perfectly, the right icons can go a long way towards creating a memorable presence.

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Real-world examples

See real-world examples of how successful websites use icons for navigation and user experience. Analyse their strategies to understand what makes them successful. By learning from both the successes and the common pitfalls, you’ll be able to use icons effectively and improve the visual appeal of your website.

Evernote blog (

Success factors: The Evernote blog uses icons in its navigation menu and articles to guide users. The icons are simple, intuitive and consistent with the brand’s design language. They use recognizable icons for search, categories, and social sharing, which makes for smooth navigation.

Why it works: The clarity and simplicity of the icons combined with their strategic placement make for an intuitive experience. The icons are also designed in Evernote’s signature green colour, which promotes brand recognition.

TechCrunch (

Success factors: TechCrunch uses icons to effectively identify different sections and topics. The icons are designed in a unique style that matches the overall aesthetic of the website. They’re used judiciously alongside text labels so that their purpose is immediately clear.

Why it works: The combination of icons and text makes it easier to understand and accommodates both those who prefer visual cues and those who rely on text. The unique design of the icons also provides visual interest that matches the technically oriented content of the website.

WooCommerce (

Success factors: As an e-commerce platform, WooCommerce uses icons on its website to highlight various features and benefits of the software. The icons are colourful, appealing and meaningful enough to convey their meaning even without text.

Why it works: The use of colourful and descriptive icons makes the website more attractive and helps break down complex information about the product into easily digestible images. This approach improves user comprehension and retention.

Common mistakes to avoid

While icons can greatly improve usability, certain mistakes can lead to confusion and a cluttered interface. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

Overuse of icons

Problem: Placing too many icons in one area can overwhelm users and make it difficult to find important information.

Solution: Use icons sparingly and only when they add value to the user’s navigation. Prioritize the content and use icons to complement it.

Use of non-intuitive icons

Problem: Using obscure or non-standard icons can confuse users as the intended message may not be immediately clear.

Solution: Stick with commonly recognized icons for common actions and functions. If you must use custom icons, combine them with text labels or tooltips to clarify their meaning.

Error when testing icons with real users

Problem: Assuming that the meaning of an icon is obvious without testing this assumption with real users can lead to misunderstandings.

Solution: Conduct user testing to get feedback on the effectiveness of your icons. Observing real users can provide insight into whether your icons are being understood as intended.

By analyzing successful examples and paying attention to common pitfalls, you can use icons more effectively as visual anchors in your WordPress website. The goal is to improve navigability without sacrificing clarity and simplicity.

Icons, when used effectively, can make a WordPress website navigable, and visually appealing. They are powerful tools for conveying information concisely and attractively, bridging the gap between different expectations and website goals.

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Encouragement to experiment

I encourage you to experiment with icons on your WordPress website and explore their potential to improve navigation and user interaction. Whether you’re refining an existing design or creating a new website from scratch, the strategic use of icons can significantly improve the UX of your website.

I’d love to hear about your experiences or questions about using icons on your WordPress sites. Have you found that certain icons are more effective than others? Are there any challenges you’ve encountered when integrating icons into your design? Share your experiences and questions in the comments below – let’s learn from each other and improve our web design practices together.

Additional resources

To further assist you in leveraging icons on your WordPress site, here are some resources for high-quality icons and design guidance:

Icon libraries:

Tools for creating custom icons:

These resources will give you the tools and knowledge to effectively incorporate icons into your WordPress website and contribute to an engaging and successful website.

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FAQs icons for WordPress

What are icons for WordPress?

Icons for WordPress are graphical symbols representing various elements or actions on a website. They can be customized to enhance both the site’s visual appeal and functionality. Icons come in various styles like line, flat, gradient, isometric, and glyph.

Why are icons for WordPress important for sites?

icons for WordPress serve as visual anchors, guiding users through a website with clear and intuitive navigation. They act as visual shortcuts, helping improve the user experience (UX) by making navigation more intuitive and less reliant on text.

What are icons for WordPress?

Where can I find icons for WordPress?

WordPress provides a set of icons called Dashicons specifically designed for the WordPress admin interface. For website use, you can source icons from libraries such as Font Awesome, or use custom SVG files.

What are WordPress Dashicons?

Dashicons are the official icon font of the WordPress admin as of WordPress 3.8. They include various icons for different sections like posts, media, and settings.

How can I add social media icons for WordPress to my site?

You can add social media icons to your WordPress site using plugins like Social Media Widget or by manually inserting custom icons through HTML/CSS.

Where can I find free WordPress icons for business or ecommerce?

Free icons can be sourced from libraries such as FontAwesome, Iconmonstr, or Google Material Icons. Make sure to check the licensing to ensure they are free for commercial use.

How do I add a favicon to my WordPress site?

What is the recommended size for a WordPress favicon?

How can I change the site icon on my WordPress site?

Change the site icon by navigating to Appearance > Customize > Site Identity in your WordPress dashboard, where you can upload a new icon.

What icons are used for WordPress services or hospitality themes?

Can I use emojis in WordPress?

Yes, WordPress supports the use of emojis in posts, pages, and comments. They can be included directly through the text editor.

How do I create a custom site icon for WordPress?

Create custom icons for WordPress using graphic software like Adobe Photoshop or online tools like Canva, then upload it in the Site Identity section of the WordPress Customizer.

What are WordPress icons?

What are free icons for WordPress?

Are there any free site icons for WordPress available specifically for WordPress sites?