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Supercharge your site with 100+ essential WordPress plugins

Boost your site_s potential with WordPress plugins
Boost your site’s potential with WordPress plugins

Key takeaways

  • Plugins like Elementor and TinyMCE Advanced enhance content creation, while SEO tools like Yoast SEO boost online visibility.
  • Security plugins such as Wordfence and performance enhancers like W3 Total Cache ensure your site runs smoothly and securely.
  • From social media integration with Jetpack to e-commerce optimization with WooCommerce, WordPress plugins cater to all your website needs.

What is a WordPress plugin?

A WordPress plugin is a software add-on designed to extend and enhance the functionality of a WordPress website, enabling users to add new features or improve existing ones without the need for coding. Plugins can address a wide range of needs, including SEO, performance optimization, security, content creation, and more, making them essential tools for managing and growing a WordPress site.

Boost your site’s potential with WordPress plugins

WordPress plugins are add-ons that extend the functionality of the WordPress platform beyond its core features. They can help you incorporate new features, enhance your website’s SEO, improve site performance, integrate with other valuable services, and tailor your site’s appearance to your specific needs and preferences. Plugins are designed to be easy to use, even for people without a lot of technical knowledge, and are often free or relatively inexpensive, making them a cost-effective way to add new features to your website.

Some reasons why you might want to use a WordPress plugin include:

A curated list of the best free top WordPress plugins to aid in content creation
A curated list of the best free top WordPress plugins to aid in content creation

A curated list of the best free top WordPress plugins to aid in content creation

Elementor page builder

Here are some of the key features of the Elementor page builder:

  • Drag-and-Drop Editor: The main selling point of Elementor is its drag-and-drop interface. This means that you can choose elements like images, text blocks, and videos from a menu and then drag them onto your page where you’d like them to go.
  • Widgets: Elementor comes with many built-in widgets, including ones for text, images, videos, buttons, and social media, among others. These widgets offer a high level of customization, giving you control over their appearance and functionality.
  • Templates: If you don’t want to build a page from scratch, Elementor has a library of pre-designed templates that you can import and then customize to suit your needs.
  • Responsive Design: Elementor allows you to create layouts that look great on all device sizes. You can switch between mobile, tablet, and desktop views when editing, and adjust the settings for each view.
  • Inline Text Editing: With Elementor, you can click on your page and start typing to edit text inline. This feature can save you a lot of time and effort.
  • WooCommerce Builder: If you’re running an online store with WooCommerce, the pro version of Elementor includes widgets for WooCommerce, allowing you to design your shop without any coding.

TinyMCE Advanced

  • Advanced Formatting Options: The plugin adds more than 15 additional buttons to the toolbar in the Classic Editor, allowing for more precise formatting. This includes options for font sizes, font family, tables, background colour, and more.
  • Create and Edit Tables: One of the standout features of TinyMCE Advanced is the ability to create and edit tables directly in the editor. This can be handy if your content includes data that is best presented in a tabular format.
  • Customize the Editor’s Menu: TinyMCE Advanced lets you add, remove, and arrange the buttons present in the Visual Editor toolbar. You can configure up to four rows of buttons including font sizes, font family, text/background colour, tables, etc.
  • Supports Drag and Drop: With this plugin, you can easily drag and drop items from your toolbar, making the editor more intuitive and easy to use.
  • Hyperlink Options: The plugin offers advanced options for adding and editing hyperlinks, including the ability to set the target and rel attributes.
  • Import/Export: If you have a complex setup and you want to use it on multiple sites, you can export your settings and import them on another site.

It’s important to note that TinyMCE Advanced is designed for the Classic Editor, not the newer Gutenberg block editor. If you’re using Gutenberg and want similar functionality, you might want to look into Gutenberg add-on plugins instead.


TablePress is a versatile WordPress plugin that allows you to create and manage tables on your site. This plugin simplifies the process of arranging text, numbers, or any other type of data in a tabular format, without requiring you to have any coding knowledge.

Here are some of the key features of TablePress:

  • Easy to Use: With TablePress, you can easily create tables using its intuitive interface. The data in the tables can be edited in a spreadsheet-like interface, which is very similar to Excel.
  • No Coding Required: You don’t need to know HTML or CSS to use TablePress. Tables can be inserted into posts, pages, or text widgets using a Shortcode.
  • Import and Export Capabilities: TablePress supports the import of data from Excel, CSV, HTML, and JSON files. Similarly, you can export tables to Excel, CSV, HTML, and JSON formats.
  • Table Manipulation: It allows you to add, remove, or rearrange rows and columns in your table.
  • Pagination, Sorting, and Filtering: TablePress includes JavaScript library features that provide sorting, pagination, filtering, and more for site visitors.
  • Extendable with Add-Ons: While TablePress already comes with a broad range of features, you can extend its functionality with a number of available extensions.

Please note that TablePress creates static tables, meaning the data doesn’t change unless you manually update it. If you need dynamic tables that can be updated automatically from an external database or API, you’ll need a different plugin or custom solution.

The most effective free WordPress plugins tailored to boost marketing efforts and improve SEO
The most effective free WordPress plugins tailored to boost marketing efforts and improve SEO

The most effective free WordPress plugins tailored to boost marketing efforts and improve SEO

The best free WordPress plugins designed to enhance performance and security, suitable for both beginners and professional users

Here are some of the best free WordPress plugins for performance optimization and security (https)

Performance Optimization:

  • W3 Total Cache: This plugin improves your website speed and user experience via caching. It offers features like content delivery network (CDN) integration and minification of posts, pages, and RSS feeds.
  • Autoptimize: Autoptimize can improve your site’s performance by aggregating, minifying, and caching scripts and styles, injecting CSS in the page head, and moving and deferring scripts to the footer. It can also optimize Google Fonts and images.
  • WP Super Cache: Developed by Automattic, this plugin generates static HTML files from your dynamic WordPress site and serves those static files to the vast majority of your users, reducing the server processing load.
  • Smush: As discussed earlier, Smush reduces image file sizes, improves performance, and boosts your SEO using lossless compression.
  • Lazy Load: This plugin improves loading times by only loading images and videos when they’re visible to the user.


While plugins can help your site’s performance and security, they should to be kept up-to-date to maintain their effectiveness. It’s always recommended to have a reliable backup system in place, in case of any issues or attacks.

WordPress plugins for backups and maintenance including updraftplus
WordPress plugins for backups and maintenance including updraftplus

WordPress plugins for backups and maintenance including UpdraftPlus

Backing up your website and protect your data. It’s recommended to store backups on a third-party storage service like Dropbox or Amazon S3, rather than on the same server as your website.

Best WordPress plugins for backups:

  • UpdraftPlus: UpdraftPlus is one of the best WordPress backup plugins. It allows you to create a complete backup of your WordPress site and store it on the cloud (e.g., Dropbox, Google Drive, S3, Rackspace, FTP, SFTP, email, etc.) or download to your computer. The plugin supports scheduled backups, as well as on-demand backups.
  • BackWPup: This plugin can be used to save your complete installation including /wp-content/ and push them to an external backup service, like Dropbox, S3, FTP and many more. It is extremely useful for scheduled and automated backups.
  • Duplicator: Besides standard backup capabilities, Duplicator allows you to duplicate, clone, migrate, and restore your website. It’s extremely useful if you want to move your website from one location to another.

Plugins free for maintenance:

WordPress website plugins that facilitate seamless integration with various social media platforms
WordPress website plugins that facilitate seamless integration with various social media platforms

WordPress website plugins that facilitate seamless integration with various social media platforms 

Social media integration can be a vital aspect of driving traffic and increasing engagement on your WordPress site. Here are some top plugins for integrating your website with your social media channels, including the use of affiliate links.

  • Jetpack: Jetpack offers a suite of tools for WordPress sites, including social sharing buttons and automatic post promotion on your connected social media accounts.
  • AddToAny Share Buttons: AddToAny provides share buttons for a huge list of social media platforms. It’s customizable and also includes counters to show how many times your content has been shared.
  • Revive Old Posts: This plugin helps you keep your old posts alive by automatically sharing them on social media at intervals you specify.
  • MashShare: MashShare provides an ecosystem for social media sharing, allowing you to add a high-performance social media ecosystem to your site that doesn’t slow it down.
  • Monarch: Developed by Elegant Themes, Monarch is a premium social sharing WordPress plugin with a set of impressive features such as share counts, social follow, and triggered pop-ups & fly-ins.
  • Instagram Feed: This plugin allows you to display cleanly customizable Instagram feeds on your website.
  • Smash Balloon: A Facebook plugin that lets you display a completely customizable, responsive, and search engine crawlable version of your Facebook feed on your website.

Plugins specifically designed to enhance your eCommerce business and improve your WooCommerce platform’s functionality

Plugins for contact forms and user interaction to get subscribers

Adding a contact form or enabling user interaction on a mobile device is a great way to encourage your site visitors to engage with your content. Here are some of the top plugins that can help with these tasks:

  • Contact Form 7: One of the most popular WordPress contact form plugins, Contact Form 7 is easy to use and offers flexibility with its markup. It supports CAPTCHA, Ajax-powered submitting, Akismet spam filtering, and so on.
  • WPForms: WPForms is a beginner-friendly plugin that comes with a drag-and-drop form builder. It has a free version, WPForms Lite, which offers basic functionalities. Its premium version offers advanced features such as payment integrations, marketing integrations, survey and poll add-ons, etc.
  • Formidable Forms: This is a more advanced WordPress form plugin, with a drag-and-drop builder and features like conditional logic, calculations, and cascading lookup fields.
  • Ninja Forms: Another powerful option, it includes a drag-and-drop form creator and allows you to create complex forms with minimal hassle. It also offers premium add-ons for additional functionalities.
  • bbPress: If you want to add a forum to your site for user interaction, bbPress is one of the best plugins. It’s a lightweight and easy-to-modify forum software solution.
  • BuddyPress: For more advanced user interaction, BuddyPress enables things like user profiles, groups, activity streams, and more, essentially letting you build your own social network.
  • LiveChat: This plugin enables a live chat support feature on your site, allowing you to instantly interact with visitors.
  • User Registration: A user-friendly plugin that allows you to create front-end user registration and login forms. It offers a drag-and-drop form builder.
WP plugins designed specifically to boost your email marketing strategies
WP plugins designed specifically to boost your email marketing strategies

WP plugins designed specifically to boost your email marketing strategies

Email marketing is a highly effective strategy for driving engagement and conversions. Here are some of the top plugins for email marketing:

Useful plugins that offer spam protection for your blog

Dealing with spam can be a major hassle for website owners. Thankfully, there are several plugins that can help you fight spam. Here are some top recommendations:

  • Akismet: Akismet is one of the most popular WordPress anti-spam plugins. It checks comments against the Akismet Web service to see if they look like spam or not. You can then review the spam it catches under your blog’s “Comments” section.
  • Anti-spam: This plugin blocks spam in comments automatically, silently without any captcha. It moves spam comments to the SPAM folder or you can set the option to silently block spam comments.
  • CleanTalk Spam Protection: CleanTalk is a cloud-based solution that stops spam comments, registrations, contacts, reviews, orders, and more. It works transparently, and you won’t need to install any additional CAPTCHA modules.
  • WPBruiser: WPBruiser is an anti-spam and security plugin based on algorithms that identify spam bots without any annoying and hard-to-read captcha images.
  • Stop Spammers: This robust plugin offers multiple ways of dealing with spam. It checks for spam in comments, logins, registrations and contact form 7 submissions.
  • Titan Anti-spam & Security: It not only protects your site from spam comments but also has features like firewall, antivirus, and malicious URL detection.

Effective plugins for enhancing SEO to assist you in improving your rankings in Google analytics

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is vital for improving your website’s visibility in search engine results. There are several plugins designed to help optimize your WordPress seo efforts. Here are some of the most popular:

  • Yoast SEO: This plugin is one of the most downloaded plugins of all time and it’s a favourite among users worldwide. Yoast SEO provides you with a comprehensive solution for all your on-site SEO needs. It allows you to add an SEO title in the header, meta description, and meta keywords to each post and page of your site.
  • All-in-One SEO Pack: This plugin offers a suite of tools to help you optimize your site. Features include XML Sitemap, Google AMP, Google Analytics, and SEO on custom post types.
  • Rank Math: Known as the “Swiss Army Knife of SEO”, Rank Math is a fast-growing user-friendly SEO plugin that allows you to optimize your content with built-in suggestions based on widely-accepted best practices. It’s easy to use and offers features like Google Schema Markup, Google Search Console integration, and more.
  • SEOPress: This is a powerful, freemium all-in-one SEO plugin for WordPress with no ads. It’s simple, fast, and powerful, letting you manage all your titles and meta descriptions for posts, pages, post types, and more.
  • The SEO Framework: This plugin provides an automated and advanced SEO solution for your site. It’s unbranded, no-nonsense, and lightweight, with options for experienced users to fine-tune their sites.
  • Broken Link Checker: This plugin will check your posts, comments, and other content for broken links and missing images, and notify you if any are found. Fixing broken links is an important part of SEO.

Plugins for download management

When it comes to managing downloads on your site, several plugins can make the process easier and more streamlined. Here are some of the most recommended:

WordPress plugins for XML sitemap creation and redirection
WordPress plugins for XML sitemap creation and redirection

Plugins for XML sitemap creation and redirection

A sitemap is a file where you provide information about the pages, videos, and other files on your site, and the relationships between them. Search engines like Google read this file to crawl your site. Here are some plugins that can assist you in creating XML sitemaps:

  • Google XML Sitemaps: This plugin will generate a special XML sitemap which will help search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and to better index your blog. It supports all kinds of WordPress-generated pages as well as custom URLs.
  • Yoast SEO: Along with its comprehensive SEO features, Yoast SEO also includes an XML sitemap generator. It can create and update your sitemap automatically, and you can choose which content gets included.
  • All in One SEO Pack: This plugin automatically generates XML sitemaps for your site and notifies search engines when they’re updated.
  • Jetpack: Jetpack’s suite of site optimization tools includes high-speed and ad-free video hosting, high-resolution image serving from a global content delivery network, site stats, downtime monitoring, and automatic sharing to social networks. Additionally, Jetpack also features sitemap creation.
  • Rank Math: Rank Math is a complete SEO package, and among its many features is the ability to generate an XML sitemap. It offers options for including/excluding certain post types, taxonomies, etc.
  • SEOPress: This all-in-one SEO plugin includes an XML Sitemap generation feature. The WordPress plugin creates an XML sitemap, an HTML sitemap, and an image sitemap to make your site easily readable by search engine crawlers.

Plugins for Twitter integration

  • Custom Twitter Feeds: Allows you to display customizable Twitter feeds on your website, including your own tweets, tweets from specific users or hashtags, and more.
  • Twitter Widget by Twitter: Officially developed by Twitter, this plugin lets you embed a timeline or single tweet on your website using a customizable widget.
  • Smash Balloon Social Photo Feed: While primarily a plugin for Instagram, it also includes a feature to display Twitter feeds. It provides beautiful and responsive feeds with customization options.
  • WP to Twitter: Automatically shares your WordPress posts on Twitter, with options to customize the tweet format, include hashtags, and add a featured image.
  • Better Click to Tweet: Allows you to create attractive click-to-tweet boxes within your content, making it easy for visitors to share your content on Twitter.
  • Click to Tweet by Todaymade: Similar to Better Click to Tweet, this plugin enables you to create tweetable quotes or snippets that visitors can share on Twitter with a single click.
  • Social Warfare: A comprehensive social sharing WordPress plugin that includes customizable Twitter sharing buttons along with buttons for other social media platforms.
  • AccessPress Twitter Feed: Lets you display a responsive Twitter feed on your website using a widget or shortcode. It supports multiple accounts and various customization options.
  • Recent Tweets Widget: A simple widget that displays your recent tweets in a sidebar or widgetized area, allowing visitors to see your Twitter activity.
  • Twitter Cards Meta: Helps you add Twitter Cards meta tags to your WordPress site, improving how your content appears when shared on Twitter and increasing engagement.

Plugins for Facebook integration

  • Facebook for WordPress: Developed by Facebook, this official plugin helps you connect your website to your account, enabling social sharing, comments, and embedding posts and videos.
  • Facebook Like Box: Allows you to display a Facebook Page Like Box on your website, allowing visitors to like and follow your Facebook Page without leaving your site.
  • The WP Social Comments plugin: Is a great tool for replacing the default WordPress commenting system with Facebook comments. This plugin allows users to comment using their Facebook profiles, which can help increase engagement and potentially drive more traffic to your website. 

    To set up Facebook comments on your WordPress site, you can use the Social Comments plugin by WpDevArt. This plugin is user-friendly and easy to use, and it allows you to show Facebook comments on your website. You just need to create a Facebook App ID and use it on your website. The plugin also offers some useful features, such as the ability to set the box title, select where to display it, set the width, and more. You can upgrade to the Facebook Comments Pro version to access even more features, such as easy moderation, Facebook Comments Widget, and more.

Wacky plugins

  • Cat Facts: Sends random cat facts to your website visitors.
  • Bacon Ipsum: Generates placeholder text with a delicious twist of bacon-related words.
  • WPShrug: Replaces all the content of your website with a simple “¯_(ツ)_/¯”.
  • UFO: Turns your website into a virtual UFO dashboard with flying saucer animations.
  • Zombie Ipsum: Provides placeholder text inspired by zombies and the undead.
  • Insult Generator: Generates creative insults for your users, just for fun.
  • Wapuuvatar: Replaces the default WordPress avatar with adorable Wapuu characters.
  • Crazy Bone: Adds animated bones that follow your cursor on the screen.
  • Falling Snow: This creates a wintery effect on your website with falling snowflakes.
  • Fake Notifications: Displays fake notification alerts to make your site seem busy.
  • Cursor Trails: Adds colourful trails that follow the mouse cursor on your website.
  • Poopy. life: Generates a temporary WordPress website with a unique poop emoji domain.
  • Emoji Reactions: Allows visitors to react to your content using various emoji icons.
  • My Eyes Are Up Here: Adds floating eyeballs to images on your website.
  • Pancake Ipsum: Generates delicious placeholder text inspired by pancakes and breakfast.
  • Cow Say: Replaces default error messages with ASCII art of a cow speaking.
  • WP Kitten: Adds cute kittens to the admin dashboard of your WordPress site.
  • WP Joke Generator: Displays random jokes in the admin area of your WordPress site.
  • Where’d They Go?: Randomly hides elements on your website, challenging users to find them.
  • Yoda Widget: Translates your website’s text into Yoda’s unique speech style.
  • Blab Chat: This enables your visitors to have interactive chat conversations with each other.
  • Hello Dolly: A classic WordPress plugin that displays random lyrics from the song “Hello, Dolly!” in the admin area.
  • WP Antivirus Site Protection: Scans your WordPress site for malware and viruses (in a fun, wacky way).
  • Rock, Paper, Scissors: Adds a rock-paper-scissors game to your website for users to play.
  • Conspiracy Theory Lorem Ipsum: Provides placeholder text with conspiracy theories and bizarre claims.
  • Zombie Apocalypse: Adds a zombie invasion effect to your website for Halloween or other occasions.
  • Chuck Norris Jokes: Displays Chuck Norris jokes throughout your website.
  • WP Beer: Creates a virtual beer on your admin dashboard, allowing you to “drink” beer while working.
  • Glitchify: Adds glitch effects to your website’s images and text.
  • WP Trumpisms: Insert random Donald Trump quotes into your content.
  • Dinosaur Ipsum: Generates placeholder text with dinosaur-related words and names.
  • Cursor Hover Effects: Adds playful and entertaining hover effects to your website’s cursor.
  • Hand of the King: Adds a “Hand of the King” badge to the admin area of your WordPress site.
  • Crypto Coin Ticker: Displays live cryptocurrency prices and ticker symbols on your site.
  • Pet Adoption: Showcases adoptable pets from animal shelters on your website.
  • PeepSo Emoji Reactions: Adds Facebook-style emoji reactions to your PeepSo community.
  • Jurassic Pop: Adds a pop-up notification with dinosaur facts to your website.
  • WP Snake: A classic game of Snake that users can play directly on your WordPress site.
  • Cowboy Ipsum: Generates placeholder text with a Wild West cowboy theme.
  • Wobbly WordPress: Adds a wobbling effect to various elements on your website for a quirky touch.

Please note that some of these plugins may be more for entertainment purposes rather than practical use. Make sure to review each plugins’ details and ratings before installing them on your website.

Educational WordPress plugins
Educational plugins

Educational plugins

WordPress cloud plugins
WordPress cloud plugins

WordPress cloud plugins

WordPress cloud plugins enable you to integrate your WordPress website with cloud services, allowing you to store, manage, and share files, as well as improve website performance and scalability. Here are some popular WordPress cloud plugins:

WP Offload Media: Offloads your media library to cloud storage providers like Amazon S3, DigitalOcean Spaces, Google Cloud Storage, and others, reducing server load and improving performance.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) for WordPress: Integrates your WordPress site with various AWS services, including S3 for storage, CloudFront for content delivery, and more.

Google Cloud Storage: This enables you to store and serve media files from Google Cloud Storage, improving website performance and reducing storage costs.

What is a WordPress plugin?

WordPress plugins enhance the platform’s core functionality without requiring users to write code. There are thousands of plugins available for various purposes, such as SEO optimization, social media integration, e-commerce functionality, and security enhancements. By installing plugins, WordPress users can tailor their websites to meet specific needs with ease.

WordPress itself

Official Website – This is the official website for WordPress, where you can download the software, find documentation, and learn more about using it.

WordPress Codex – This is a comprehensive documentation resource for WordPress, covering everything from installation and configuration to specific functionality and troubleshooting.

WordPress Theme Directory – The official WordPress theme directory is a great place to find free and premium WordPress themes. You can browse themes by category, feature, and popularity.