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6 side hustle ideas using block templates in WordPress

Essential WordPress block themes you need
Block templates in WordPress

Block templates WordPress

We’ll explore six exciting ideas, from freelance writing to online courses, all powered by of Block Templates. 

1. Become a freelance content creator

Do you have a way with words and a knack for crafting engaging content? Then becoming a freelance content creator could be the perfect side hustle for you. Businesses of all sizes are constantly seeking high-quality content to engage their audience, and you can be the one to provide it.

Step one: Create a landing page with a block template

Block templates in WordPress are here to help you build targeted landing pages that showcase your content creation services. Here’s how to use them:

Block templates offer a solid foundation, but you should customize it.  Here are some tips:

Navigating the transition to WordPress block themes: A step-by-step guide
Gutenberg template

2) The membership website hustle

Membership websites offer a fantastic side hustle opportunity. By creating valuable content and resources accessible only to paying members, you can generate recurring revenue and build a loyal community around your expertise.

Tiered access with block templates

Block templates in WordPress streamline the process of building a membership website with tiered subscription models:

Content is King (and Queen)

Here are some ideas for exclusive content, tutorials, or resources that can keep your members engaged:

Payment gateways & member management

To turn your membership website into a successful side hustle, integrate payment gateways and member management plugins:

  • Payment gateways: Popular options like PayPal or Stripe allow members to easily subscribe using secure payment methods.
  • Member management plugins: These plugins handle user registration, subscription management, and content restriction based on membership tier.

By offering exclusive content and fostering a sense of community, you can attract paying members and build a sustainable side hustle.

MaxiBlocks templates library
Block themes WordPress

3. Local website business consultant

Many local businesses lack the time or expertise to build a professional website. As a website consultant, you can leverage Block templates to offer them a fast and affordable solution.

Local market advantage

Pre-designed for success

Create a portfolio of pre-designed Block templates specifically tailored to essential business website sections:

  • Home pages: Create a variety of niche home pages. 
  • About us: Templates with clear sections for company history, mission statement, and team introductions.
  • Services: Block templates showcasing offered services with icons, descriptions, and call-to-action buttons.
  • Contact us: Templates featuring contact information, maps, and contact forms for easy customer inquiries.
  • Testimonials: Beautiful Block templates displaying positive client reviews and testimonials.

Marketing to local businesses:

  • Network & connect: Build relationships with local chambers of commerce, business networking groups, and marketing agencies.
  • Targeted online ads: Run online ads on platforms like Facebook or Google Ads, targeting local businesses in need of website help.
  • Free consultations: Offer free website consultations to local businesses. This allows you to showcase your expertise and the value of using Block templates.

Bonus tip: Offer different pricing tiers based on the level of customization and additional services (e.g., domain registration, website hosting).

How MaxiBlocks boosts workflow with fast, customizable web templates
WP block templates

4. eCommerce store

The allure of eCommerce:

There are many reasons why starting an eCommerce store can be a lucrative side hustle:

  • Be your own boss: Set your hours, choose your products, and manage your business from anywhere with an internet connection.
  • Scalability: Start small and expand your product offerings as your business grows.
  • Global reach: Sell your products to customers worldwide.

Building your storefront

Block templates streamline the process of designing an attractive and intuitive online store:

Pre-built layouts: Choose Block templates specifically designed for eCommerce stores. These templates often include sections for product listings, shopping carts, and checkout pages.

Product landing pages:

Create compelling product landing pages:

  • High-quality images: Showcase your products using professional-looking photos from multiple angles.
  • Detailed descriptions: Create informative and engaging product descriptions that highlight features, benefits, and specifications.
  • Call to action: Include clear calls to action encouraging customers to “Add to Cart” or “Buy Now.”

Product descriptions & special offers:

Best practices for product descriptions and special offers can significantly impact your eCommerce success:

  • Focus on benefits: Go beyond features and explain how your products solve customer problems or improve their lives.
  • Target keywords: Integrate relevant keywords to improve your search engine ranking and attract organic traffic.
  • Highlight offers: Promote special discounts, limited-time offers, or bundled product deals to incentivize purchases.

With compelling product descriptions and strategic offers, you can attract customers and turn your side hustle into a thriving online business.

Using the block template editor for blogs and more
Block theme WordPress

5. Niche blog

Blogging offers many opportunities. However, focusing on a specific niche allows you to build a loyal audience and establish yourself as an authority in that particular field.

Niche importance:

Selecting a niche for several reasons:

  • Targeted audience: Speak directly to a specific group of people with shared interests, leading to higher engagement.
  • Content focus: Create a clear content direction, making it easier to plan and produce valuable content consistently.
  • Standing out: In a crowded blogosphere, a niche allows you to carve out your own space and attract a dedicated following.

Multimedia: Boosting engagement

Integrating multimedia elements into your blog posts can significantly boost engagement:

  • High-quality images: Images break up text and add visual interest. Use captivating photos relevant to your niche.
  • Embedded videos: Incorporate informative or entertaining videos to enhance your content and cater to different learning styles.
  • Infographics & charts: Present complex information in an easily digestible format using visually appealing infographics and charts.

Monetizing your niche blog:

There are several ways to monetize your niche blog and turn your passion into profit:

  • Affiliate marketing: Promote relevant products or services within your niche and earn a commission on each sale generated through your affiliate links.
  • Display advertising: Partner with ad networks to display targeted ads on your blog, generating revenue per click or impression.
  • Sell digital products: Create and sell ebooks, online courses, or other downloadable resources related to your niche expertise.
  • Offer paid consultations: Leverage your niche knowledge and offer paid consultations or coaching services to your audience.

You can build a successful niche blog and establish yourself as a thought leader in your chosen field.

Using templates in the Gutenberg editor in WordPress
Block theme WordPress

6. Online course platform

The online learning market is fueled by a desire for flexible learning opportunities. 

The rise of online learning:

Several factors contribute to the growing popularity of online courses:

  • Accessibility: Learn valuable skills from anywhere with an internet connection, on your schedule.
  • Wide range of topics: Find courses on virtually any topic imaginable, catering to diverse interests.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Online courses can be a more affordable alternative to traditional education.

Engaging course content:

  • Video lessons: Record high-quality video lessons to visually explain complex topics and enhance student engagement.
  • Downloadable materials: Offer downloadable resources like PDFs, templates, or cheat sheets to complement your video lectures.
  • Interactive quizzes: Use plugins to create quizzes that assess student understanding and reinforce key learning points.

Marketing & monetization strategies:

To attract students and generate revenue with your online course platform:

  • Pre-launch marketing: Build anticipation by creating engaging content and running targeted ads on social media platforms.
  • Freemium model: Offer introductory courses for free to showcase your teaching style and upsell paid comprehensive courses.
  • Subscriptions & bundles: Consider offering subscription plans for access to multiple courses or create thematic course bundles.
  • Affiliate marketing: Partner with complementary businesses or influencers to promote your courses and earn a commission on referrals.
WordPress block themes for your business website
WordPress block pattern directory

FAQs: Launching and growing a side hustle through WordPress

What are WordPress Block templates?

How can Block templates enhance my side hustle?

Block templates streamline the web design process, allowing you to focus more on your content and less on the technical aspects of website building. This makes it easier to launch and maintain a professional online presence for your side hustle.

Can I customize Block templates to fit my brand?

Absolutely! While Block templates provide a solid foundation, they are fully customizable. You can adjust colors, fonts, images, and layout elements to align with your brand identity and business needs.

Do I need to be a web developer to use WordPress Block templates?

How can I use Block templates for a freelance content creation service?

Choose a Block template that highlights your services and portfolio. Customize it to showcase your expertise, services offered, and successful projects or testimonials from past clients.

What content should I include in my membership site using Block templates?

Your membership site should offer exclusive content that adds value, such as in-depth tutorials, downloadable resources, community forums, and live events or webinars, tailored to the interests of your target audience.

How do I market my local website business consultancy?

What are the key features to include in an eCommerce store built with WordPress?

What makes a niche blog successful?

A successful niche blog addresses a specific audience with targeted content, uses multimedia to enhance engagement, and leverages monetization strategies like affiliate marketing and digital product sales.

How do I create an engaging online course platform with WordPress?

Incorporate video lessons, downloadable materials, and interactive quizzes. Market your platform with pre-launch strategies and consider a freemium model to attract students.

What plugins are best for building a membership website in WordPress?

Look for membership plugins that offer tiered access, content restriction, and integration with payment gateways for managing subscriptions and member access.

How can I ensure my WordPress site is mobile-responsive?

Can I sell physical and digital products on my WordPress eCommerce store?

Yes, WordPress, combined with plugins like WooCommerce, supports selling both physical and digital products. Customize your store with Block templates for product listings and checkout pages.

How do I protect my online course content from unauthorized access?

Utilize plugins that offer content protection features, ensuring that only registered and paying students can access your course materials.

What strategies can I use to grow my niche blog audience?

Focus on SEO, create shareable content, engage with your audience through comments and social media, and consider guest posting on relevant blogs to increase your visibility.

How often should I update my WordPress site using Block templates?

Regular updates are crucial to keep your content fresh, engage your audience, and ensure your site runs smoothly. Aim for at least monthly updates to your core content and more frequent blog posts or product additions.

What are the advantages of using WordPress for my side hustle over other platforms?

WordPress offers flexibility, a vast ecosystem of themes and plugins, and a large community for support. Its scalability allows your website to grow alongside your business.

Can I use Block templates for email marketing campaigns?

While Block templates are designed for web pages and posts, some WordPress plugins and external email marketing tools allow you to create similar designs for email campaigns.

How do I measure the success of my website created with Block templates?

Use analytics tools to track visitor behavior, conversion rates, and engagement metrics. This data will help you understand your audience better and optimize your site for better performance.

Where can I find support if I encounter issues with WordPress Block templates?

The WordPress community is a great resource, including forums, blogs, and tutorials. Additionally, many theme and plugin developers offer support for their products.

WordPress itself

Official Website – This is the official website for WordPress, where you can download the software, find documentation, and learn more about using it.

WordPress Codex – This is a comprehensive documentation resource for WordPress, covering everything from installation and configuration to specific functionality and troubleshooting.

WordPress Theme Directory – The official WordPress theme directory is a great place to find free and premium WordPress themes. You can browse themes by category, feature, and popularity.